Sharing the Writing and Research Process

Interview on After the First Death

Robert Cormier's letter to Kevin Prentice

Maura Fabrice's letter to Robert Cormier

Robert Cormier's response to Maura Fabrice

Khaled Khalaf's letter to Robert Cormier

Robert Cormier's response to Khaled Khalaf


Dick Cavett interviews controversial author Norman Mailer on The Dick Cavett Show. Cavett was and is still regarded as a consummate interviewer. Interested people can find many extended interviews with celebrities from the period between 1969-1975.

The popular interest for peering into the life of the writer propel the repeated publication of articles and interviews of authors sharing their "secrets" or process such at The Atlantic article "The 8 Habits of Highly Successful Young-Adult Fiction Authors" or the "10 talks from authors" TED Talks playlist featuring writers such as Amy Tan, Isabelle Allende, and Pico Iyer.

Sharing the Writing and Research Process