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Wiz Letter177.jpg
Wiz (likely Craig Virden) writes with what sounds like a second round of comments on a typescript of Tunes for Bears to Dance To. He speaks at length on the village destruction scene and the role and impact of Henry's father. He also mentions…

Tunes Ch E161.jpg
This three-page marked typescript of Chapter 16 of Tunes for Bears to Dance To includes penciled line edits. In the chapter, Henry has a nightmare about smashing the village and his mother tries to comfort him.

Troyia Letter236.jpg
In response to Troyia, Robert Cormier explains the title of his piece. As he has in other letters, he explains how language can fall short as a tool of communication. He explains his views that while there is evil in the world, there is also good. In…

Troyia Collis 16 Feb 1996 202.jpg
In this letter, Troyia writes to Robert Cormier to ask about the title of the novel, Tunes for Bears to Dance To. She also asks about his thoughts on prejudice. Further, she reflects on the personal strength needed for a young boy to refuse the offer…

Ms Lee letter233.jpg
In this one-page, typed letter dated April 26, 1996, Robert Cormier responds to Florida teacher, Concetta T. Lee. He explains that Hairston is a non-ethnic name that coveys ugliness yet is not a name anyone local might think is theirs. He describes…

Robert Cormier's response to Matthias Kopp dated 7 Feb. 1998 is the means by which he thanks him for the sculpture regarding the award for Tunes for Bears to Dance To given him by the German Catholics.

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Robert Cormier's response to Dr. Peter Hasenberg of 14 Nov. 1997 thanks him for the award from the German Catholic community for his book Tunes for Bears to Dance To.

Khalad letter232.jpg
In his 22 March 1998 response to Khaled Khalaf's letter, Robert Cormier shares where he got ideas for characters in his book Tunes for Bears to Dance To.

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High school freshman, Khaled Khalaf wrote this handwritten, undated, two-page letter to Robert Cormier from Houston, Texas. He writes that he has read Tunes for Bears to Dance To, and found it enthralling as it took him "to another world." He asked…

Justin Letter243.jpg
In this brief, half-page letter of reply to Justin, Robert Cormier appears to address Justin's questions that may have been posed in his letter to Cormier about Tunes for Bears to Dance To and After the First Death. Cormier relates his purposes in…

Jason Letter230.jpg
This May 7, 2000, one-page letter by Robert Cormier to Jason Campbell at the American School in Dubai, appears to address questions about where he gets his ideas for writing. Referenced are Tunes for Bears to Dance To and Tenderness. For Tunes,…

Jared letter248.jpg
In this one-page word-processed letter by Jared Turgeon's to Robert Cormier dated 18 October 2000, he asks Cormier about his use of "symbol titles." He references specifically Tunes for Bears to Dance To. Then, he shares that he did something similar…

Craig Letter180.jpg
This typed two-page letter by Robert Cormier dated 9 Dec 1991 to "Craig" is written line-by-line responses to Craig's editorial questions concerning a draft of Tunes for Bears to Dance To.

Concette Lee Letter207.jpg
This two-page, typed letter from Florida teacher, Concetta T. Lee, dated April 16, 1996, asks Robert Cormier about Tunes for Bears to Dance To. She undertook a rather extensive search of YA novels to find one that fit her criteria. She asks about Mr.…

Betsy letter234.jpg
Robert Cormier's letter to Betsy Larsen, answered only three weeks after her letter was written, thanks her for writing. In it, he explains one detail she picked up on: the fallen hammer in Tunes for Bears to Dance To. He gives her a glimpse into his…
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