Rationale for Tunes for Bears to Dance To

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Dublin Core


Rationale for Tunes for Bears to Dance To


Robin Scallon writes a rationale for using Tunes for Bears to Dance To in the classroom. Sections of the document include: Grade Level and Audience; Plot Summary; Theoretical Support and Redeeming Values; Literary Value and Summary of Reviews; Objectives, Teaching Methods, and Assignments; Possible Objections; Why Tunes for Bears to Dance To Should Not Be Banned; Literary Qualities; Alternative Books; References; Reviews; Awards Earned by Robert Cormier; and Books by Robert Cormier. Scallon defends the use of Tunes for Bears to Dance To by citing cognitive theorists on the egocentrism of young adults and the belief that morality is learned. The 11-year-old protagonist, Henry, is developing personal ideologies and emotional independence, which makes him a good model for young readers to explore their own development. Scallon also defends the book against censorship, saying that the book helps students come to a personal understanding of the world and of a period in history students aren't familiar with. Studying literature increases empathy and awareness of social justice. She considers the plot, theme, characterization, and dialogue as unified and purposeful as well as appropriate to young adult reader abilities.


Robert Cormier Collection at Fitchburg State University's Amelia V. Gallucci-Cirio Library


Elise Takehana, Anna Consalvo


JPG, 8.5 x 11 paper




Robin M. Scallon, “Rationale for Tunes for Bears to Dance To,” Robert E. Cormier Archive Collection 2, accessed April 25, 2024, https://terrorandbullies.omeka.net/items/show/34.