"Writing Pain, Writing Loss: Qualities of a Healing Narrative"

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Dublin Core


"Writing Pain, Writing Loss: Qualities of a Healing Narrative"


These 32 pages of manuscript writings of Louise DeSalvo, comprise the table of contents to her book, Writing as a Way of Healing, and chapter 4, "Writing Pain, Writing Loss..." in which her correspondence with Robert Cormier is referenced, and for which she sought and received his permission to include. The first few pages feature prominently her interactions with Cormier and his own acknowledgment that writing did seem therapeutic when he wrote his first novel Now and at the Hour near the time of his father's death. She also discusses her creative writing students and characterizes what is a healing narrative after explicating the work of thinkers including Elaine Scarry and Sigmund Freud.



Robert Cormier Collection at Fitchburg State University's Amelia V. Gallucci-Cirio Library


Elise Takehana, Anna Consalvo


JPG, 8.5 x 11 paper




Louise DeSalvo, “"Writing Pain, Writing Loss: Qualities of a Healing Narrative",” Robert E. Cormier Archive Collection 2, accessed November 3, 2024, https://terrorandbullies.omeka.net/items/show/53.