After the First Death
Dublin Core
After the First Death
Archival materials about or from Robert Cormier's 1979 novel, After the First Death.
Collection Items
Rachel Flynn letter to Robert Cormier
Rachel shares her enthusiasm for After the First Death and her curiosity regarding points of confusion in the novel, which she hopes he will discuss in a class visit. She mentions the fun the class had producing the newspaper project.
Pamela Carpenter letter to Robert Cormier
Pamela writes about how Robert Cormier's After the First Death was the best of the four summer novels assigned by Mrs. Anti. She mentions the newspaper project and despite their roles as investigative journalists, they still had points of confusion…
Mrs. Barbara Anti letter to Robert Cormier
Mrs. Anti writes of her students' interest and enthusiasm for Robert Cormier's book After the First Death. She invites him to speak to the class, promising a captivated audience, gas mileage, and school lunch.
Michael Ryan letter to Robert Cormier
Michael mentions that his class read After the First Death for their summer reading and asks Robert Cormier if he is able to come to their class. He would like to ask Cormier about the inspiration for the novel and what he deems appropriate material…
Kristin Doton letter to Robert Cormier
Kristin writes about the purpose of the newspaper project on After the First Death and particularly mentions how the interviews in the newspaper focused on what the "innocent bystanders" would have known about Inner Delta. She also asks about his…
Kristi Kozak letter to Robert Cormier
Kristi proclaims her interest in After the First Death and admits being confused by its beginning. She comments on how hijacking and terrorism are not discussed with the frequency it deserves and praises him for representing the perspectives of the…
Kimberly Dawes letter to Robert Cormier
Kimberly summarizes the newspaper assignment for After the First Death that Mrs, Anti gave her advanced English class and asks that Robert Cormier visits the class so he might comment on their newspaper project, why he chose to write for young…
Jamie Argento letter to Robert Cormier
Jamie mentions specifics of the newspaper project Mrs. Anti assigned on After the First Death and asks Robert Cormier about the motive for writing a book on terrorism for children and how he melded those seemingly contradictory elements.
Denise Concheri letter to Robert Cormier
Denise discusses the frequent questions the students had after reading After the First Death and producing a newspaper with interviews of the characters. She mentions her teacher's (Mrs. Anti) diligence in answering their questions. However, she…
David Key letter to Robert Cormier
David explains how After the First Death was a summer reading project for Mrs. Anti's freshman English class and their newspaper assignment was to write an interview of a character that would reveal further information on Inner Delta.
Belinda Lothrop letter to Robert Cormier 25 October 1988
Belinda explains the class newspaper project for Mrs. Anti's English class on Robert Cormier's novel After the First Death and explains how it was motivated by finding answers regarding the events of the novel. She pleads with Cormier to visit her…
"Journeys into Terror"
In this article, Mary Shaner explores two pieces - Robert Cormier's After the First Death and Peter Dickinson's The Seventh Raven. Both novels look closely at the plight of children as victims of terrorist attacks. Both books also look more deeply at…
After the First Death Japanese Article
This article is written in Japanese with a few words and phrases translated into English. It seems to be a brief review or reflection of After the First Death. The reviewer seems to think that while the novel is well-written it may cover some of the…
Anny Lee's letter to Robert Cormier
In this letter from Anny Lee shares with Cormier her experience of reading After the First Death. She shares with the author how she felt his text was 'the weirdest, most confusing, and unique' book she ever read. Though she conveys how much she did…
Luke Kenzel's letter to Robert Cormier
In this hand-written letter, Luke Kenzel, a student from Hudson High School, shares his experience of reading After the First Death. He states how moved he was by the realism and the explicit events that come to pass. Luke goes on to ask questions…