HomeProject Creators

Project Creators

Dr. Elise Takehana

Elise Takehana, Assistant Professor of English Studies, teaches writing at Fitchburg State University. Her research interests include composition and rhetoric, media studies, aesthetics, and 20th and 21st century text production. She is currently writing a book on baroque aesthetics and their application across contemporary print and digital literature. Recent essays by Professor Takehana include:

Dr. Annamary Consalvo

Annamary Consalvo is an Assistant Professor of Literacy at The University of Texas at Tyler where she teaches disciplinary literacy, and the teaching of writing. Her research interests include the study of writing conferences and ways in which multiliteracies and new literacies inform teaching and learning in the 21st century. Selected recent publications include:

Dr. Katharine Covino

Katharine Covino, Assistant Professor of English Studies, teaches writing, literature, and teacher -preparation classes as a part of the secondary-education English concentration at Fitchburg State University.  Her research interests include critical literacy, critical pedagogy, gender, (D)iscourse, identity, and literacy praxis.  She is currently examining the implications of the inclusion of critical literacy/critical pedagogy in early-elementary literacy classrooms.

Recent publications by Professor Covino include:

Recent presentations by Professor Covino include:

Asher Jackson

Asher Jackson is the University Archivist in the Amelia V. Gallucci-Cirio Library at Fitchburg State University.  His research interests include digital preservation in archives, archival research instruction for undergraduates, and the impact of collective memory on local history.   Recent presentations include: