This three-page marked typescript of Chapter 13 of Tunes for Bears to Dance To includes pencilled line edits. In the chapter, Henry arrives at work and diligently does his chores. He waits for Mr. Hairston to go in the locker to grind meat so he can…
This six-page marked typescript includes portions of Chapter 15 of Tunes for Bears to Dance To with penciled line edits. In the chapter, Mr. Hairston presents his proposal to purchase the monument for Eddie's grave, give a raise to Henry, and…
This four-page marked typescript of Chapter 11 of Tunes for Bears to Dance To includes penciled line edits. In the chapter, Mr. Hairston keeps Henry after work to show him a drawing of the monument for his brother, Eddie. Henry admires it but tells…
This three-page marked typescript of Chapter 6 of Tunes for Bears to Dance To includes penciled line edits. Henry and Mr. Hairston talk about purchasing a cemetery monument, which makes Henry hopeful that Mr. Hairston might help him.