Kimberly summarizes the newspaper assignment for After the First Death that Mrs, Anti gave her advanced English class and asks that Robert Cormier visits the class so he might comment on their newspaper project, why he chose to write for young…
In this published news story included in The Plain Dealer, author Janice Carter discusses how the events detailed in After the First Death are not too far from fiction. Referring to a conversation with Robert Cormier, she shares how some of the…
In this short letter, Hugh Agee, an instructor at the University of Georgia, shares an article he wrote that explores student responses to After the First Death, specifically their questions regarding the narrative perspective. Agee shares with…
In this two-page, handwritten letter by Janet Fredericksen to Robert Cormier, the adult writer explains that she encountered the book, After the First Death, in a Children's Literature class. Almost angrily, she demands to know who his audience is…